Fayha Logistic Compounds

Fayha Group Logistics offers fully-integrated warehousing and compound services throughout south of Iraq. Our warehousing and logistic facilities currently encompass more than 7 locations, covers different locations in south and north of Basra town

Fayha Logistic Compounds offers a secure, convenient, and hassle-free way for companies to set up and get to work in the booming Iraq market. With a host of amenities and easy access nearby main streets, the Fayha Logistic Compounds allows companies to focus on their core business and the immense opportunities in Iraq. Our Projects are being prepared with warehouses, security services and open spaces for multi use.

Not only we provide logistic compounds but we also provide services and designs on demand. Currently, Fayha Logistic Compound, Basra-Zubair location have the following services: